Lunca de Jos


Lunca de Jos or Gyimesközéplok (

) is a commune in Harghita County, Romania comprising 9 villages:
  • Baraţcoş/Barackospatak
  • Lunca de Jos/Gyimesközéplok
  • Puntea Lupului/Farkaspalló
  • Poiana Fagului/Bothavaspataka
  • Valea Boroş/Borospataka
  • Valea Capelei/Kápolnáspataka
  • Valea Ântunecoasă/Sötétpataka
  • Valea lui Antaloc/Antalokpataka
  • Valea Rece/Hidegség


The commune has an absolute Székely and Csángó (Hungarian) majority. According to the 2002 census it has a population of 5,227 of which 99.02% or 5,176 are Hungarian.

Communes and villages in TransylvaniaHarghita County

Photos in region

Odorheiu Secuiesc
Târgu Mureş