

Câmpia Turzii (Hungarian: Aranyosgyéres, German: Jerischmarkt) is a city in Cluj county, Romania, which was formed in 1925 by the union of two villages: "Ghiriş" (Hungarian: Aranyosgyéres) and "Sâncrai" (Hungarian: Szentkirály).

The village of Sâncrai was mentioneed in a 1219 document as "villa Sancti Regis" ("village of Holy King")<ref>There were two Hungarian kings canonised by this time, Stephen I of Hungary and Ladislaus I of Hungary. Ladislaus was personally involved in several battles against Cuman invaders in this region.</ref>, while Ghiriş was first documented in 1292 as "Terra Gerusteleke" ("Gerusteleke", literally meaning "plot of Gerus" in Hungarian).

Michael the Brave was murdered by agents of Giorgio Basta at the current location of Câmpia Turzii on August 9 1601.


Currently the ethnical composition is as follows:
  • Romanians : 87.14% (49% in 1850)
  • Hungarians : 7.97% (40% in 1850)
  • Roma : 4.57% (10% in 1850)
  • Others : 0.32%
The evolution in the last hundreds of years is as follows:
  • 1784: Ghiriş: 565; Sâncrai: 472
  • 1850: Ghiriş: 1,168; Sâncrai: 487
  • 1910: Ghiriş: 1,815; Sâncrai: 704
  • 1930: 4,124
  • 1948: 6,310
  • 1956: 11,518
  • 1977: 22,418
  • 2000: 29,852
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Campia TurziiCampia Turzii

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Izvoru Mureşului