Pension Mures

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Pension Mures adatai:
Pension Mures
Izvoru Mureşului
0040 740-816-222, 0040 228-223-350
all year
8 room (16 bed)
1 apartment (4 bed)
informative prices:
35-45 RON / person without board
90-100 RON / person with half board

Pension Mures parameters

Spoken languages: Hungarian, UK, German, Romanian

Room, suite equippment: toilette / WC, shower / bath tub, refrigerator-to-rent

Local services and opportunities: toilette / WC, shower / bath-tub, self-supplying, breakfast, half board, full supply, kitchen, stove, refrigerator, dinning room, car park, closed car park, restaurant, radio, tennis-court, sport equipment-to-rent, garden, yard stove, camping, living, grilling, baking bread in oven, grill, garden furnitures, home dairy, garden furnitures, tennis, playground, toy, soccer field, handball field, playground, handmassage, Kártyaszoba

Region services and opportunities: grocery, restaurant, cake shop, fast food restaurant, coffee-house, car park, bus park, tennis, skiing, horse riding, hunting, sport equipments-to-rent, touring, forest/park, shore, museum, court, monument, post office, money exchange, gas station, market, sanitary service